American-Scandinavian Grant Proposal


We’ve had the pleasure of meeting many Danish musicians as they’ve come to the Midwest to visit with Dwight Lamb and play concerts in Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska and Minnesota.

“Storm” from a 2016 concert in Viborg, South Dakota
Front, left to right: guitar, Kristian Bugge, fiddle, Dwight Lamb, button box, Mette Jensen, chromatic accordion. Back row, left to right: Tom Carlson, keyed fiddle, Charlie Walden, fiddle, Liz Amos fiddle, Jamie Fox, fiddle, Bill Peterson, fiddle.

Dwight has made several trips to Denmark to play at dances and festival with Kristian Bugge and Mette Jensen. The following video was recorded at the Højbystævnet festival in 2011:

Audio Recordings

In 2010, David Cavins and Amber Gaddy worked with Dwight Lamb on a CD of Danish and American tunes, called “Danish & American Melodies.” The following tunes feature Dwight Lamb, button box; Nate Kemperman, fiddle; Amber Gaddy, piano accordion, David Cavins, guitar.








A group of musicians gathered in front of the windmill at Elkhorn, Iowa.
Gathered for Dwight’s 80th birthday. Left: Kristian Bugge, Mette Jensen, Liz Amos, Bill Peterson, Nate Kemperman, Dwight Lamb, Amber Gaddy, Matthew Andree, David Cavins.